About ABC

A Better Cliftonville is a resident-led community organisation based in Cliftonville, Margate, Kent.   

We work for positive change in the area, based on the needs and aspirations of residents and the issues that affect them. We work in partnership with residents, other community organisations, the local authority and other stakeholders – with the aim of delivering real improvements.

Our aims are to

(1)    To support, promote and empower the growth of the Cliftonville Community and help develop a diversity of resources for both residents and visitors so that each aspect of that diversity is the best it can be.

(2)    To ensure that communities and individuals have practical tools for accomplishing their visionary ends and aid them by convening, engaging, mobilising and supporting their activities.

We have a committee that meets monthly. Members are elected at the AGM held each December. We also have many working groups, project sub-groups and volunteer opportunities.

We are a C2 Connecting Communities organisation.

Recent Posts

Alexa Chung’s new collection filmed in Cliftonville and Margate

Fantastic – it’s the name of Alexa Chung’s new collection – inspired by 90’s Brit pop and designed to celebrate one of the biggest cultural movements of the decade. They visited Thanet at the end of January and filmmaker Jesse Jenkins spent the day shooting in Dreamland, on Margate Main Sands and Botany Bay. There … Continue reading Alexa Chung’s new collection filmed in Cliftonville and Margate

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